NSE Expoforum on board of the Space Golden League
A league is born! Space European Conference in Bruxelles has been the stage to announce The Space Golden League.
INGV at the European Forum on the New Space Economy to Celebrate… Space!
Italy’s remarkable contributions to space exploration are once again in the spotlight as the successful launch of Vega-C rocket.
Let’s Play! LEGO® Serious Play® is waiting for you at NSEExpoforum 2024
Italy’s remarkable contributions to space exploration are once again in the spotlight as the successful launch of Vega-C rocket.
Italy in Orbit: Avio and Vega-C Shine at NSE Expoforum 2024
Italy’s remarkable contributions to space exploration are once again in the spotlight as the successful launch of Vega-C rocket.
Aeronautica Militare at NSE 2024: Advancing Space and Aerospace Innovation
Aeronautica Militare is on board! Are you ready to be involved in the most interesting interactive experience and brilliant meetings?
You really won’t miss this! NSE Expoforum is back! The 2024 edition is ready to go
The stage is set for the 6th edition of the New Space Economy Expoforum - NSE 2024.